@article{oai:nittaidai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001438, author = {滝沢, 洋平 and Takizawa, Youhei and 針谷, 美智子 and Harigai, Michiko and 和田, 博史 and Wada, Hiroshi and 松本, 健太 and Matsumoto, Kenta and 伊藤, 雅広 and Ito, Masahiro and 片桐, 正広 and Katagiri, Masahiro and 歌川, 好夫 and Utagawa, Yoshio and 白旗, 和也 and Shirahata, Kazuya and 近藤, 智靖 and Kondoh, Tomoyasu}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本体育大学紀要, Bulletin of Nippon Sport Science University}, month = {Sep}, note = {The purpose of this research was to investigate the attitude of junior high school health and physical education teachers in Tokyo Setagaya-ku and Yokohama Aoba-ku which conclude the partnership agreement with Nippon Sport Science University. We conducted a survey of 52 health and physical education teachers. The average teaching experience was 13.75 ± 10.08 years. The questionnaire was composed of questions regarding attitude to health and physical education classes, school sport clubs, teaching practice for university students and student guidance. The main results were as follows: 1. Health and physical education teachers answered that they don’t have enough knowledge and abilities to teach “Dance” (About 46%) and “Martial arts” (About 29%). 2. Health and physical education teachers had difficulty in classes, when 1) they don’t have enough knowledge to develop “Thinking ability, Judgment ability and Expression ability” of students (About 42%), 2) they teach some different sports that they can’t show good examples to their students (About 40%), and 3) they teach students with special educational needs (About 35%). 3. Many health and physical education teachers had difficulty at work that 1) they can’t take enough person-al time in their life (About 60%), 2) they don’t have enough knowledge towards current educational methods and topics (About 21%). 4. Health and physical education teachers had difficulty in school sport club that 1) they can’t have enough time to instruct school sport club because they are too busy with other work (About 59%), 2) they don’t have enough school facilities for sport activities (About 39%) and they don’t have enough knowledge and abilities to teach sports competitively (About 39%). 5. Health and physical education teachers had difficulty in teaching practice for university students that 1) there are a lot of university students who have low motivation towards teaching and will not become teachers in the future (About 50%) and 2) practical teaching programs is a big burden on the school (About 31%)., 本研究の目的は,日本体育大学と連携をしている世田谷区と青葉区の中学校保健体育科の教師の意識を明らかにすることである。 データの収集にあたっては,保健体育科の教師52名を対象とし,教職歴平均13.75±10.08年であった。 質問紙は,保健体育授業,運動部活動,教育実習,生徒指導の視点から構成された。主な結果は,以下の通りである。 1.ダンス,武道を指導する力がないと答える教師が多くいた。 2.授業を行う上で,「生徒の思考力・判断力・表現力等の育成をするための指導」「自分が模範を示せない種目の運動を教える事」「配慮を要する生徒の指導」について困っていると答える教師が多くいた。 3.仕事について,「自分の生活時間の確保」「教科内容の最新の知識や教育に関する時事問題」について困っていると回答する教師が多くいた。 4.部活動については,「校務が忙しくて思うように指導ができない」「施設・設備が不足している」「自分の専門的指導力が不足している」という点が課題であると回答する教師が多くいた。 5.教育実習については,「教師を志望していないにも関わらず,実習しようとする学生が多い」「実習校の負担が大きい」と回答する教師が多くいた。, 研究資料}, pages = {45--59}, title = {東京都世田谷区並びに横浜市青葉区の中学校保健体育科の教師の意識に関する調査研究 : 保健体育科の授業,部活動,教育実習,生徒指導に着目して}, volume = {48}, year = {2018}, yomi = {タキザワ, ヨウヘイ and ハリガイ, ミチコ and ワダ, ヒロシ and マツモト, ケンタ and イトウ, マサヒロ and カタギリ, マサヒロ and ウタガワ, ヨシオ and シラハタ, カズヤ and コンドウ, トモヤス} }